Staff Editorial: Welcome to the Guilfordian online

2020 has been a year that none of us could have envisioned or anticipated. At first this new decade seemed destined for greatness. New Year’s parties emulated the Roaring Twenties, with flapper gowns, jazz music and everything adorned in gold. We clinked glasses in celebration of the next phase of the 21st century, optimistic about the opportunities and experiences that were yet to unfold. We had no idea about the chaos that was to come. 

It’s hard to believe how many things have already happened this year. We started with Australia on fire, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle quitting the royal family, the death of NBA legend Kobe Bryant and the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Then COVID-19 struck the world and our nation. The stock market crash followed, and the economic consequences of the new pandemic were devastating. Not to mention the effect on world health. 

Though COVID-19 is still ravaging our world, we are finding ways to be resilient and create necessary and long overdue change. 2020 is the year of the pandemic, but it is also the year that the Black Lives Matter movement resurged with ferocity and swept the nation. In what likely has been the most desolate time in many lives, so many of us have banded together to speak up against violence and for justice and equality. 

How do you carry on in the face of a pandemic? You fight for something to make the world a better place. You speak up for what you believe in. You find a passion and a drive to do something to keep yourself going. And that’s why we’re here. 

The Guilfordian staff is ready to make a difference. Whether that’s through offering our readers an informative news story about the state of our small campus as we work to keep the virus at bay or a features piece with new recipes for you to try, we’re here to bring you both knowledge and entertainment. 

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, we are officially moving our content onto the web for the majority of the fall 2020 semester. The Guilfordian will be publishing a weekly issue every Thursday at 5pm with a collection of news, world & nation, opinion, features and sports articles. We’re excited to be back and for you to read the new content that we have in store.

Our vision for this publication is still developing. The Guilfordian has been operating for more than 100 years, but we still continue to learn and grow every day. And we are so grateful that you have decided to be a part of this journey with us. 

Welcome to the Guilfordian.