Guilford College News in Brief

Lunch with the Provost discusses changes and strategies
On Monday, Feb. 11, Guilford students joined Provost Frank Boyd in the Atrium of Founders Hall for lunch and conversation in the cafeteria. The lunch discussion was held from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and covered a range of topics concerning the campus community. These ranged from music, politics and art to curricular changes with the Guilford Edge and strategies for applying to graduate and professional school. Those interested were encouraged to sign up in advance in the Campus Life Office.
“Bending the Arc” documentary introduces work of next Bryan Series speaker
Guilford students, faculty and staff were invited to a viewing of 2017 documentary film “Bending the Arc” on Monday, Feb. 11, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Bryan Jr. Auditorium. The film tells the story of Dr. Paul Farmer, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, activist Ophelia Dahl, Todd McCormack and investor Thomas White who were devoted to a movement focused on innovative health care in impoverished nations. The event was sponsored by the Bryan Series and the Public Health Program.
Panel talks study abroad opportunity in South America
In Duke Hall 303, an information session provided Guilford students with the opportunity to learn more about study abroad options in South America that will be available to them starting from fall 2019. The informal meeting was held on Tuesday, Feb. 12, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and included a student panel session, which featured input from students with previous experience in studying abroad in South American countries. Students were encouraged to bring questions to the event.
Community event highlights the history of the Underground Railroad in Guilford County
On Saturday, Feb. 9, at 1:30 p.m. at the New Garden Friends Meeting, the North Carolina Fellowship of Friends and North Carolina Friends Historical Society sponsored a kick-off event for the bicentennial year of the first known Underground Railroad activity in Guilford County. The community event included tours of the Quaker graveyard and New Garden Woods. Professor of History Adrienne Israel and Director of Community Learning James Shields shared about the history of the Railroad at the event.
Information panel and discussion event highlights crisis in Venezuela
The International Studies Program sponsored an informational panel presentation on the crisis in Venezuela on Wednesday, Feb. 13, in King Hall 123 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The panel consisted of Bill Hamilton, Neyeska Filipski, Daniel Diaz, Alfonso Mancheno, Frank Boyd and Carmen Obregón Salama, providing Guilford community members with information on the crisis itself and ways to become involved. The panel session was followed by a Q&A discussion with those in attendance.
Guilford encourages self-care and self-love in light of Valentine’s Day
On Wednesday, Feb. 13, in the lobby of Founders Hall, the Residential Education Self Love and Self Care Committee invited Guilford students, staff, faculty and other community members to a self care and self love event, where individuals were encouraged to stop by and create their own eye masks infused with lavender essential oils and coffee and honey lip scrubs. Community members at the event could also add the mask and scrub to a bag filled with tea bags and chocolate.