Paylor opens on her experiences

Abigail Bekele

Liberty Paylor has been working as a chef in the dining hall for the past two years. Liberty enjoys cooking and interacting with the students//Photo By Abigail Bekele/The Guilfordian

Liberty Paylor has been a chef in the dining hall for two years. She is 31 years old and graduated from Alamance College. She loves talking to and interacting with others and is passionate about cooking. The Guilfordian sat down with Paylor to learn more about her.

Q: What drew you to Guilford?

A: Chef John. I like him and I’ve worked with him before.

Q: Why did you choose your field of study? What’s the coolest thing about it?

A: I was raised in a family that catered and that cooked every meal every day.

Q: What’s the best part of working here?

A: The love for the food. When you put love in the food, and everyone else feels the love. If you love the food, the food will love you back.

Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of as a chef?

A: I like to bake a lot of stuff: breads, cakes and ice cream. They call me the Cookie Monster.

Q: If you weren’t a chef, what would you do?

A: Choreography, I mime.

Q: Tell me about a time you failed at something and what you learned.

A: I fail all the time. It’s a part of life and growth. If you don’t fail, you won’t grow.

Q: Tell me about something you wish you knew as an undergraduate that you’d share with today’s college students.

A: Don’t play around at all. That comes later. You can be done in your career and retired right at 40 if you stay focused and don’t play around the whole entire time.

Q: How do you start your day?

A: Prayer. You got to pray. I bump gospel music to keep my mind together.

Q: How do you finish your day?

A: I end my day the same way.

Q: What’s the last book you read for fun?

A: The Bible and Jacques Pépin’s “Heart & Soul in the Kitchen.” He is passionate about cooking.