10 shows that shouldn’t go on


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Some TV shows have gone on so long that they seem about as old as this Sanyo portable television set.

This article is a list of the ten shows that I think lasted far too long. The criteria for this are very fast and loose, as shows that have ended and shows that are still running will be listed. Now, to begin:

“SpongeBob SquarePants” (1999 – present) – 281 episodes
There are few people who have not seen an episode of “SpongeBob SquarePants” and even fewer who have not seen a meme spawned from the 281 episodes, but it may be time to let everyone’s favorite sea creature rest. With the passing of original director Stephen Hillenburg in 2018, it seems the creativity has dried up, and the show needs to return to the sea.

“Family Guy” (1999 – present) – 400 episodes

“Family Guy” has entered into the realm of the Internet meme and has lasted just as long as “SpongeBob.” As one of the original adult animated shows, it has become the archetype for other less memorable shows attempting to imitate and profit from its popularity. As a piece of adult media, “Family Guy” could cover so many topics and ideas, but minus some effective spontaneity and absurdism, the show’s recipe feels stale.

“Riverdale” (2017 – present) – 117 episodes

A loose interpretation of the classic Archie comics, “Riverdale” has persisted across the Internet by its sheer absurdity as a high school show, and it’s safe to say that the show has gone off the rails. From cults to drug rings, there really is no realm that the showrunners won’t breach to keep people watching, and I can only pray that the cast and showrunners “graduate” soon.

“Teen Wolf” (2011 – 2017) – 100 episodes

Having only seen about one and a half episodes of this show against my will, I cannot truly say much about “Teen Wolf”– except that friends tell me that it became like “Riverdale,” but with monsters. However, seeing the run time, I feel I can safely say that the characters were no longer teens by the end, and that one can only make so many episodes about teenage werewolves in high school.

“Grey’s Anatomy” (2005 – present) – 407 episodes

As someone who hasn’t seen any of “Grey’s Anatomy” for over a decade, I can’t comment on the more recent seasons, but I do have fond memories of earlier seasons. However, with the rate at which characters were spontaneously killed off, like George, Lexie, and so many others, one would think that the hospital would have run out of doctors by now. Besides, only so much drama can be made in the same hospital with the same characters while keeping things interesting.

“American Horror Story” (2011 – present) – 113 episodes

After Season Three, “American Horror Story” steadily degraded in quality, bleeding actors and taking on more and more big names to keep people’s interest. Despite what the title may advertise, the show’s creators crank up the shock value in lieu of effective writing and real horror. And while I will never besmirch Lady Gaga, I feel that her talents could be better used elsewhere.

“Saturday Night Live” (1975 – present) – 941 Episodes

A staple of television for nearly 50 years, “SNL” has spawned the careers of many comedians and actors, but with time, the skits have grown stale and the cast members have gotten boring. From 2015 to 2021, when skits focused mainly on the then-president, the show felt like it was desperately trying to stay current by using a figure that showrunners knew would garner views. The “SNL” of old is long gone, and it is time for the show’s final bow.

“Supernatural” (2005 – 2020) – 327 Episodes
Anyone who has had any presence on a certain social media platform that begins with T and ends with “umblr” during November 2020 remembers the mass fallout of the ending of “Supernatural.” One of the shows that defined an era of online fandom, the ending was long awaited, and long overdue. The recipe of each episode was the same, the so-called “special effects” were laughable, and the story was insane. At first, the show had an interesting concept with some convincing motivations, but after beating demons, then satan, then angels and god, there were truly no more lands to conquer.

“The Simpsons” (1989 – present) – 740 episodes

One of the most well-known and watched shows of all time, there are few who don’t know “The Simpsons,” and its impact and reach cannot be overstated. However, there comes a time where even the greatest things must end, and “The Simpsons” has just about reached that point. While there are certainly some good bits and pieces in recent episodes, the show has slowly and steadily decreased in quality and popularity, and I only hope it can end while people remember it fondly.

“One Piece” (1999/2004 – present) – 1048 episodes

Let me be frank. I watched over 300 episodes of “One Piece” over the last winter break. I love the characters and settings, I’ve been truly touched by some moments, and I’m excited to see where the show goes. However, it has gone on for far too long, and needs to wrap up. “One Piece” has established itself with other great Shonen anime, like “Hunter X Hunter” and “Dragon Ball,” and has inspired countless more shows. But like all great things, it can’t go on forever. I can only hope it doesn’t last another 30 years, for all of our sakes.