Let your zodiac sign pick your Halloween costume

Aries (March 21-April 19): You keep running back to a toxic relationship. If they’re a Gemini or a J-Name, leave them in the dirt (where they belong). This bs): You’re making moves this month–and ready to step on some toes. You might have been secretly exploiting some relationships for personal gain, but you swear you genuinely feel bad about it (honest!). Organize a group event that celebrates you for all of your…hard work. Keep this millionaire mindset growing and dress as a Wall Street CEO for Halloween.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): You’re making moves this month–and ready to step on some toes. You might have been secretly exploiting some relationships for personal gain, but you swear you genuinely feel bad about it (honest!). Organize a group event that celebrates you for all of your…hard work. Keep this millionaire mindset growing and dress as a Wall Street CEO for Halloween.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): Love is in the air– and it’s starting to distract you. You have the mental capacity to work towards major goals in your school life, but you keep drawing your crush’s last name next to yours. You may get caught living vicariously through those around you who are in happy relationships. Go full hopeless romantic and dress up as Cupid this Halloween.
Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22): You’re a total drama queen this month. You’re not usually prone to violence, but you’ve been seriously considering it. You may be having disagreements with your family this month. You’re still trying to convince your dad that success doesn’t always mean doctor. It’s ok to go against the grain. Channel your inner rebel and go as Brittany Spears this year.
Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22): You’re craving big changes this month, and you’re feeling antsy. You may be desperately trying to find a study abroad program that’s as far away from Greensboro as possible– You were looking into flying to Mars but the space suits are so unflattering. Take your jet-setting energy to the tarmac and dress as a flight attendant this year.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22): You’re spending money like there’s no tomorrow, and you don’t see an end in sight. DoorDash is boring, but drug dealing is dangerous. Eventually, you’re going to have to find a (hopefully legal) steady income stream to support your Target addiction, but for now, you can indulge. Dress as a bank robber this year because a striped shirt and a pillowcase with a dollar sign on it are all you can afford.
Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22): You think you’re perfect, and it confuses you when people around you disagree. You expect everything to go your way, and when it doesn’t you may start to get cranky. Put your perfectionist energy into planning out your future instead of bringing down your friends. The only person who can channel your energy is Barbie, so throw on some pink pumps and head to the Halloween parties.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21): You’re experiencing an unfounded flow of creativity this month. Your friends might think you’re being snobby but you call it innovative. Go for a seance in the woods with the philosophy majors and talk about constellations. You’re feeling called to change up your space; redecorate! The costume that best fits your current mindset is Vincent Van Gogh, so grab some gauze for that ear and get creative.
Sagittarius (Nov 21-Dec 21): You are driven by anger this month. You feel like the world is ending and, granted, it kind of is. You may have been trying to organize a climate protest or a dramatic sit-in against animal testing, and no one signed up. Take your political takes to the party this year and hope you don’t run into someone who disagrees with you. Dress up as your favorite politician.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19): You can’t stop winning this month. Success comes so naturally that you’re starting to expect it, but don’t get too cocky. Use your luck for good and make some headway on the homework you’ve been procrastinating on. Throw on a jersey and go as your favorite NFL player– just pray your rivals don’t show up.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): It may feel like the universe is praying on your downfall right now. You just got a parking ticket, you locked your keys in your room, and the burger you ate from The Grill is starting to give you a serious stomach ache. Demonstrate flexibility. Channel your inner calm and go as a monk for Halloween
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20): Nothing can keep you from the school grind this month. Your friends haven’t seen you in person in weeks and the only response they can get from you is “Can’t. Homework.” If someone manages to drag you outside, you won’t care enough to change. Throw on your greasy blue-light glasses and say you’re a nerd.