Guilford Athletics Profile: Jon Childress
Childress makes sure that the PE Center is in good condition and fully staffed.
It’s hard to imagine Guilford College without a gym, athletics or intramural sports, and it is difficult for athletes to envision games and practices without clean uniforms. Without the assistant athletic director for facilities, operations and intramurals, however, athletic life at Guilford would look very different. In August 2022, Jon Childress stepped in to fill this important role.
Childress is from the small town of Jackson, North Carolina, and enjoys all sports and physical fitness. He has worked in sports since 2010, and in 2018, he was certified in personal training. Childress earned a master’s in sports administration and a bachelor’s in exercise sport science from UNC-Pembroke. Before coming to Guilford College, Childress worked at North Carolina Central University for seven years as the competitive sports coordinator and e-sports coordinator. During his time at NCCU, he was also an Athletic Aid for Cary, NC.
Childress believes that fitness is important for several aspects of daily life, including longevity and mood. “Physical fitness is the key to living a long, healthy life,” Childress said.
Childress said he decided to accept a position at Guilford because he was looking for a new opportunity and a place where he could grow and learn more about athletics. His daily responsibilities include making sure the PE Center is open for the students, making sure its lights are on, supervising student staff, reserving fields, and generally ensuring that everything is operational so that athletes can compete.
Childress also plans and coordinates Guilford’s intramural sports. During homecoming week, the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (OSLE) and Guilford Athletics hosted a cornhole tournament, and Childress is planning a spike ball tournament as well.
“The job keeps me on my toes,” Childress said when asked about his favorite part of his position. “Every day is not the same and I am very rarely just sitting behind the desk.”
Childress’ energy and mindset have led him to specific goals that go beyond improving the student experience at Guilford.
“I would like to bring 4v4 flag football to the intramural program as well as create a student sports officials program,” Childress said.
Childress manages over 20 student workers in the PE Center. Asked to describe Childress in one word, sophomore Brandon Poteat called him “enthusiastic.” Senior Kayla Gumula said that Childress was “motivated,” and junior Grace Holmes described him as “hardworking.” Matthew Kidd, another sophomore, simply said Childress is “chill.”
When not on the job, Childress works out daily in Guilford’s weight room.
“I take two hours a day to work out, and it gives me a break from things,” he said.
Childress works closely with students and staff in his role in Guilford Athletics, and takes the opportunity to mentor students as well.
Asked about advice that he wishes he had received in college, Childress said: “Find an internship in your field. It will open doors. I got lucky and fell right into a job after graduation.”
Childress is thrilled to join the Guilford community and looks forward to working with everyone on campus.