Staff Editorial—Preparing for fall: Self care

As faint traces of pumpkin fill the air, the leaves begin to change to beautiful hues of red and work piles up, we are reminded that fall is here, and it is time to buckle down. With so much happening, it’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed and lost. But fear not, we have some tips and tricks to make sure you have a safe and fun season.

First of all, remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day, as proper hydration allows you to be successful and bring your “A” game to all your classes. Harvard Health recommends drinking four to six cups of water a day to enjoy its pleasant taste and health benefits.

If midterms or multiple essays are stressing you out and weighing you down, take a break and enjoy the autumn air with a walk around the campus quad. You might find something new, or you might decide to stop by Rachel’s Rose Cottage for a refreshing boost of caffeine, something taken for granted in these trying times. 

If you have time to read for yourself and not just for your classes, take a good book out by the lake and make some new duck friends, or human friends if you prefer. Take advantage of your newfound friends and studydid you know that Wi-Fi reaches all the way out there? Honestly, there is so much fun to be had by the lake that it would be nearly impossible to fit it all in one editorial.

Sometimes you have days when you may be unsure about how to spend your time, which can be stressful. However, you can always check some of the bulletin boards across campus and see which organizations or clubs might be hosting an event. Whether it be in a small group setting, or something more individualized, Guilford always has something for every student, especially outdoors.

With exams approaching, it is important to focus on yourself and not to be discouraged. We’re all in this together, and we will continue to achieve great things even during difficult times. Remember to practice safe behaviors like maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask indoors, especially in larger group settings. While it may seem like the pandemic has lasted forever, continuing to take precautions will benefit not only those of us living on campus, but the Guilford community as a whole.