‘BoJack Horseman’ keeps its viewers hooked on trouble
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BoJack Horseman recently started its sixth and final season about two weeks ago before fall break. I for one had to binge watch it over break, and was a bit upset to only have eight episodes to zoom through.
The reason for this was because this was only half of season six. When I finished the season on a killer cliffhanger, I was horrified. I reacted this way because it was such a smart move by the writers.
The writers have been phenomenal for past seasons, but the major difference is they’re using all that they have for this final season. They’re building things up only to tear them down. The plot has developed with all its regular shenanigans and formed something beautiful for the viewers.
This show relates to viewers in a realistic format, even if there are tons of humans and anthropomorphic animals as well. It takes real-life instances and puts them in the forefront of everything to develop an interesting story.
The topics it has hit before include celebrity status, feminism, adoption procedures, corporations and overall addiction. This final season tackles what it is to rehabilitate, what it is to change for the better and how to handle addictions in a right manner. It sheds light on capitalistic issues and issues with corporations that are trying to monopolize their companies. It’s starting to dive into depression and how it can be serious but also a need for attention.
This show hits a lot of controversial subjects, but it does so to portray a realistic tone to the audience. This show has tons of hilarious jokes, a great cast and overall a really great production team that has come together to make such an amazing show.
This show really hits hard for me sometimes, and experiments a lot with its episodes and its viewers. That’s something I can really appreciate. There were episodes that conveyed an entire monologue the entire show, a silent episode where no one talked that was run by primary visuals and even an episode that shared what it’s like to have that little voice in your head that tears you down and constantly gets on your nerves. These episodes relate in a way I could’ve never imagined.
One of my best friends recommended this show to me and I’ll admit I was hesitant about it, but as soon as I dove in I personally got to see what an astounding show this was. I truly am upset that this will be BoJack Horseman’s final season, but the journey has been a great one.
When you look at these characters, they spring out not because you know them so well, but because of how unique they are. From Todd’s foolish nature to Diane’s realistic outlook to Princess Carolyn’s tenacity and determination, to Mr. Peanutbutter’s sometimes great yet annoying chipper attitude to BoJack’s realistic negative outlook on the world, it all connects to audience members in one way or another.
As a viewer of the show, you find yourself in a tough spot with these characters. At times you want to root for them and hope they get a fairytale ending, and in other moments you hope that they get what they deserve. However, in the end you don’t want them to get hurt, but are then reminded of the show in itself and realize there are no true happy endings in a world like this, and can only fear for what the final outcome might actually be.
That total outcome, though, is yet to be revealed. This show is astounding, and the writing is complicated and has come a long way from season one. It knows what kind of show it is, it controls plot twists really well and it knows how to control its audience. This show is definitely top 10 in my book, and I can’t wait for the rest of its final season which is coming out Jan. 31 on Netflix. This is a must-see for all that love a realistic show about real -world problems.
Editor’s note: This story originally was published in Volume 106, Issue 5 of The Guilfordian on Nov. 8 2019.