Pelosi runs for Speaker of the House

On Wednesday, Nov. 28, Democrats from the House of Representatives met in Washington, D.C. to hold a private vote for the nominations of a prospective Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Speaker will be voted on officially by all House members in January 2018 to determine who will remain in office for the next two years, replacing current speaker Paul Ryan.

As a result of this vote, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was nominated as the Democratic party representative. This will be voted upon in January after the congregation resumes its term as the newly elected House members are sworn in. The vote on this nomination was a count of 203 votes for and 32 votes against Pelosi.

Despite the immediate implication that this vote count is almost entirely in favor of Pelosi, the vote against her nomination could cause some problems if she continues to be the Democratic Party’s nominee. For someone to be elected as Speaker of the House, 218 votes must be counted in their favor (or the majority of votes that are polled). As it stands with the 32 votes against, Pelosi may not be able to secure the position when a nominee from the Republican Party is also in the elections, at least not without some Republican support. .

Those who did not vote for Pelosi on Wednesday are fighting for their voices to be heard in the House. They want a change in the way that the Democratic Party is run. This rebellion wants younger people to be in a more significant role when it comes to power, however a nominee to fill this niche has not been selected. Furthermore, many young Democrats are pushing for the party to become even more progressive than  it currently is.

Some Republicans, including the president, who have commented on the subject declare that it is in their best interest for Pelosi to become the Speaker of the House in January. In the past, the Republican Party has used Pelosi against the Democrats. In ads and public speeches, Pelosi was depicted as a harm to the nation, causing the Democratic power in the House to spiral out of control. The GOP has a so called “Pelosi Playbook” and will not be afraid to use it come 2019 if she is elected.

While Pelosi may not be the first choice for all Democrats at this time, she has led the campaign in the House that most Democrats are likely to support: the anti-Trump effort.

However, without an alternative, Democrats might be stuck with Pelosi for the next two years, and it may not be a bad thing either.

As a former House Speaker, Pelosi brings a significant amount of experience and knowledge to the table, as well as an open mind and willingness to communicate and work with people who are on a different side than her. She has already declared that she would like to hear more voices from younger representatives, possibly satisfying the concerns of those voting against her, therefore bringing new opinions and standpoints into old issues.

Her motivation dedication to the economy and public welfare could serve the Democratic Party well in the next two years in the fight against the Trump administration. Without a better, more viable option it may be a hard pill to swallow for some Democrats at the moment, but it may just turn out in their favor.

By keeping an open mind and making your voice heard, you have the ability to represent yourself in the political spectrum even if your party’s candidate does not seem to be doing the same.

Though Pelosi has her mistakes, if she does end up in this position we can be assured that she will devote herself and her efforts to the cause, and that is all we can really ask for in the end.