Guilford College News in Brief

Environmental Justice Speaker Tracey Edwards visits campus
On Monday, Jan. 14 in King Hall B26, Environmental Justice Speaker Tracey Edwards visited the environmental anthropology course in discussion of environmental racism and environmental justice in North Carolina. Edwards has been campaigning on behalf of her Stokes County community, which is located northeast of Greensboro, against fracking and Duke Energy’s treatment of coal ash. She continues to work with Residents for Coal Ash Cleanup, which she helped to form in 2014.
Volunteer Fair encourages community and campus involvement
Guilford’s Volunteer Fair was held on Wednesday, Jan. 16 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Carnegie Room of Hege Library and sought to provide students with opportunities to become involved in the community, both on and off campus. The fair allowed members to meet with the coordinators and representatives of various organizations and projects and discover where they could see themselves becoming more deeply engaged with the Guilford and greater Greensboro community.
HUG welcomes the new spring semester
Hispanos Unidos de Guilford (HUG) welcomed Guilford community members to the new 2019 spring semester with a welcome-back party and invited both returning and new members to take a look at the organization’s plans and goals for the second half of the academic year. The informal celebration was held on Wednesday, Jan. 16 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. in King Hall and encouraged community members to engage with other members of HUG while becoming more involved with the organization’s efforts.
Communities Against Islamophobia Workshop returns to Guilford
In collaboration with the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the Center for Principled Problem Solving, Intercultural Engagement Center and the Friends Center will be hosting a second training at Guilford to delve into Islamophobia in depth and strategize around ways to resist anti-Muslimism through allyship. AFSC’s Communities Against Islamophobia project supports Arab and Muslim-led work. The workshop session will be held in King Hall 126 on Friday, Jan. 18 at 12:00 p.m.
Lunch and Learn with AFSC’s General Secretary talks peace and justice
On Friday, Jan.11 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., the Friends Center hosted a lunch in the Atrium in Founders Hall for Guilford community members to meet American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) General Secretary Joyce Ajlouny and other regional AFSC staff. The lunch and learn session was open to all students, staff and faculty members included discussion of the AFSC and the committee’s projects and work for peace and justice, both at home and around the world.
Guilford Pride Movie Night shows “Boy Meets Girl”
Guilford Pride hosted a movie night and showing of “Boy Meets Girl” on Wednesday, Jan. 9 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Joseph M. Bryan Jr. Auditorium. The 2014 American romantic comedy-drama stars Michelle Hendley as a transgender woman named Ricky, with dreams to attend a school of fashion design in New York, who is working as a barista in a small town in Virginia. Ricky runs into a woman from town named Francesca at work one day and the friendship blossoms into an affair.