Guilford College News In Brief

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Worship service focuses on spiritual wholeness

On Tuesday, April 3, Friends Center J.M. Ward Distinguished Quaker Visitor Kody Hersh spoke at an event entitled, “Tea-Time in the Apocalypse: Spiritual Grounding in a World of Chaos.” The event was a semi-programmed worship service that focused on spiritual wholeness and transformation in times of chaos and fear. William R. Rogers Director of Friends Center and Quaker Studies Wess Daniels helped to coordinate the event, which was held at the New Garden Friends Meeting.


Physics department holds biennial reunion

The Guilford College Physics Department held its biennial reunion on Friday, April 6, which was hosted in conjunction with the office of Alumni and Parent Relations. The reunion featured presentations from department alumni and activities across campus. In addition to these activities, the event also featured the annual Sheridan A. Simon Distinguished Alumni lecture given by Paula Jordan ’83. Jordan worked for 13 years as an orbit analyst at Computer Sciences Corporation and is in the process of writing her first science fiction novel.


International Film Festival continues with “Guten Tag, Ramón”

On April 11, Guilford’s International Film Series showed the film, “Guten Tag, Ramón,” which tells the story of a Mexican boy who goes to Germany in search of a better life. The festival consists of six international films from countries such as Japan, Cuba and China. The festival was organized by Professor of Foreign Languages Dave Limburg and co-sponsored by the MED, the department of foreign languages, the department of international studies, the German club, the international club and Hispanos Unidos de Guilford.


Guilford hosts Taizé worship service

Assistant Director of Friends Center and Director of the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program Deborah Shaw invited Guilford faculty, staff, students and community members to engage in a Taizé worship service on Monday, April 9. The Taizé Community is a Christian monastic group from France. The worship service consisted of chantlike, meditative Christian songs, as well as readings, times of silence and opportunities for prayer. All were invited to join the service regardless of prior experience with Taizé worship.


George Guo to speak at national security colloquium

Professor of Political Science George Guo has been invited by the National Security Studies Institute to speak at an annual national security colloquium on June 19 and 20. The theme of this year’s colloquium is “intelligence in the non-English speaking world,” and Guo’s presentation will focus on the evolution of China’s intelligence and security services. In 2012, Guo wrote a book about this subject entitled, “China’s Security State: Philosophy, Evolution, and Politics.”


Faculty present on dealing with stress

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Julie Jacks and Associate Professor for Sports Studies Brenda Swearingin discussed stress at “Dinner & Discussion: Stress and How to Deal with It” on April 2. The discussion was sponsored by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement and the Honors Program. They offered tips on how to stay happy, healthy and productive during stressful times. All Guilford faculty, staff, students and community members were invited.