Students learn cooking techniques at Teaching Kitchen session

A demonstration on how to make fried rice was held on Saturday, April 6 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the Binford kitchen. This demonstration was a continuation of the Teaching Kitchen series, in which students actively promote and participate in learning how to cook meals with healthy and local food. The Teaching Kitchen series also aims to promote discussions about food insecurity in the Guilford and Greensboro communities.

This event also coincided with Guilford’s annual FoodStorm events. Foodstorm was able to highlight some of their main goals in the packet that participating individuals received at the beginning of the demonstration. These goals included combating food insecurity and teaching one’s community about how to do so. Shopping tips were also included, as well as a several recipes that include fresh and local produce for beginning chefs.

This demonstration was held by sophomore Elizabeth Bell. Before beginning to cook fried rice, Bell briefly explained what her mission was in the demonstration.

“This series is part of our project,” Bell said. “We wanted to reach students instead of going through the cafeteria. Based on what we’ve heard it probably wouldn’t have gone well. So, (we decided), let’s go to the students, let’s ask the students, since we are students. And I guess it’s just trying to connect with students instead of going to the bureaucratic, money profit zone of the cafeteria and Guilford authorities.”

This project was originally created as a project that Bell completed for a course in Principled Problem Solving.

“First semester we just learned basic stuff and did a little bit of project ideas, sort of formulated the project. And second semester, implemented it. So, this is actually ‘doing it.’”

Due to the cooking demonstration being held in Binford, there was limited space for students who wanted to attend. Despite the smaller event size, attending students were able to enjoy an evening of cooking and learning. At the end of the cooking demonstration, each attendee was entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card to Harris Teeter. This gift card was intended to help a student fund their cooking ventures, either through food or cooking supplies.

As Bell was cooking fried rice for her demonstration, she also discussed her main goals for the future of the Teaching Kitchen as well as her hopes for her Principled Problem Solving course.

“Well, I think at the beginning my hope was that we could reach a couple students and get these ideas in their heads,” Bell said. “Cooking is not actually that hard. And, my hope was that we will learn these, we’re young, and once we have our families, we can teach these (things) to our friends and our children. So, that will hopefully help us further down the line. Of course, it’s not a huge thing right now but hopefully it will get bigger.”

Fried rice was chosen as the food for this session of the Teaching Kitchen because the ingredients used in fried rice can often be made of leftovers from other dishes or less expensive store-bought ingredients. It is also one of the simpler dishes for students to learn how to make consistently.

“My sister makes really good fried rice and I could never figure out how to make it,” said junior Caroline Grossman. “I remember her making it for me when I was in high school one day, I took it on a hike, and it was bomb. I want to make her fried rice. And now I get free lunch, so it’s a win-win.”

Bell hopes to see more Teaching Kitchen events, and also hopes to expand the events to reach more members of the Guilford community.