Colleagues and friends: I would like to start by reminding everybody that Serendipity is more than one band on one night for a few hours. Please keep in mind: in the past when there has been a big name band, whether it be the popular choice or not, the essence of Serendipity as a community event was nonexistent. In fact, as many of you may remember, CAB was given an ultimatum last year: make Serendipity a true community oriented weekend OR lose the tradition forever. The steps that are being taken this year are to ensure a well-rounded, well -budgeted, and all-around good community activity with participation and input from the student body. Polls and surveys serve as a good way to get a measurable read on student preference.
However, in order to get a representative number of responses, a representative number of students must first participate in those surveys. Furthermore, please remember that CAB, although it is faced with a huge task, consists of a group of students just like you who have decided to actively engage in programming for the entire campus.
Just a friendly reminder to all of the incredibly passionate students that belong to this campus: please, take that passion and turn it into something constructive. Be proactive and translate you and your campus’s desires into something more than an idea.
I hate to end this with a cliché, especially one that Guilford knows all too well but the opportunity is too good to resist; so please, “be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Trevor Corning, junior