“I will always remember the feeling I had [on the 9/11 anniversary]. I didn’t cry the first time I saw the planes crash, [but] I couldn’t stop crying yesterday. I was not at home and that’s all that I wanted. There was a minute of silence all around London, but it didn’t feel like it. It was the first time I felt like a foreigner in this country.”Erin Greenway
Junior, London, England
“For the most part, everything here seems normal. I take classes with mostly other Americans, so I did see a couple of my classmates wearing ‘I Love NY’ shirts on..
The family I’m staying with thinks it’s a terrible situation. [I] haven’t talked to them in much depth because I can’t really speak in Spanish in depth yet…It [was] a significant day, though.”
Eric Schultz
Junior, Alicante, Spain
“Today was a little bit difficult for me, as I am learning the Chinese language, and today in my class we were studying about days and times…So this morning we kept repeating over and over, ‘Today is September 11th,’ which was strange, as the date has been so ingrained in our heads and probably will be for our whole lives. We were saying it in Chinese, so it did not feel quite the same..One teacher said all she felt was pain for the Americans [when the terrorist attacks occurred].”
Lindsey Gallagher,
Junior, Beijing, China
“It was incredibly strange to be [in London on the 9/11 anniversary]. There were specials on TV all day., pictures in all the papers and a minute of silence was observed when the first plane hit. On the other hand, people went about their daily lives as if it were any other day. I didn’t hear a word about it on the street, in the tube, or at work.”
Elisabeth Tyroler
Junior, London, England
“[On] September 11th, [all of the study abroad students] in Munich made an excursion to Dachau, the memorial to the World War II concentration camp..While we were there, the big church bell rang a few minutes before three o’clock..Then I remembered the time difference. [Munich is] six hours ahead. The bell was ringing [at] the time that the planes hit the Twin Towers. I did not attend anything at a local church because I think that seeing Dachau was a good enough memorial to September 11th. It reminds us of what can happen.”
Monica Chevalier
Junior, Munich, Germany
“I’m actually glad that I am not in the U.S. at this point, simply because it is such an emotional time and I feel that being abroad allows one to be perhaps more clear-headed when it comes to thinking about what happened [last year].”
Donna Rasmussen
Junior,Oxford, England