I’m not very good at writing about things that actually relate to my life or anyone else’s, but I feel as though something needs to be seriously addressed and considered. I’m thinking of the new housing policy for next semester. Mainly the smoke-free policy being enforced in every dorm but Bryan.
As a smoker (see photo), I’m sure that all of you can understand why I am shocked and appalled by this decision.
What bothers me the most about this issue is that I was never really asked if it was okay. And I don’t mean me personally, but the Guilford community in general. Oh, I’m sure that the decision went through Senate or something of that nature. But a decision that drastic, one that affects almost everyone living on campus, should really be put before the entire student population in some sort of a forum or a vote or something. You don’t just make a decision like this without consulting people. That’s what democracy is for, am I wrong?
I’ve never been one for following current events, or reading the news, or any of those little notices the school puts in my mailbox. It is entirely possible that I completely missed a notice informing me that this decision was going to be made. But I like to think that were that the case, the word would have made its way around to my ear. It generally has before.
Granted, I was not planning on smoking in my room next year. I smoke too much as it is now, and my lungs are starting to hurt, but I was taking comfort in the fact that I could easily walk down the hallway to a friend’s room and light up a cigarette when I was in need. Next winter, I can guarantee you, there will be a lot of angry smokers on campus.
So I suppose that I am attempting to make my voice heard on this issue. I’m pretty sure it won’t make a whole lot of difference, but a small piece of me would like to think that it will. So in an attempt to get something done, I’m going to say it straight out: maybe we should reconsider this decision.
Smokers, stand up for your right to inhale carcinogens at will. Don’t take this sitting down, like I am right now. Stand up, light up, and shout something along the lines of: “Hell no, we won’t go… outside to smoke!” (I know that was a really cheesy pun, but I could resist. Sorry.) I’m sure that if we are obnoxious enough, someone will see through the thick cloud of smoke and hacking and wheezing to our side of the issue.
And of course, if they ignore us further, we could do some “direct action” stuff like have a “smoke-out” in the cafeteria. If there are enough of us, I doubt anyone would really get in trouble. And how cool would that be, a whole bunch of smokers just lighting up right there over their dinner trays.
Remember fellow smokers, it’s not just the smell of our lungs blackening in the air, it’s the smell of freedom!
Notes from the Underground: Smokers’ rights!
Asa Fager
April 10, 2003
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